Senvion Australia Set To Commence Construction on 226 MW Project
Hamburg, Germany – The wind turbine manufacturer Senvion has received Notice to Proceed for the first stage of the 429 megawatts Murra Warra wind farm near Horsham in Western Victoria in Australia.
The first stage of the wind farm will have 61 of Senvion's 3.7M144 turbines with a total generating capacity of 226 megawatts. A consortium of large energy users led by Telstra has entered into long-term power purchase agreements which will cover the energy generated from the first stage of the wind farm. Senvion will deliver the wind farm with Downer, one of Australia's leading civil and electrical contractors. Early works for the Murra Warra Wind Farm have already begun and the project is expected to be fully operational by mid-2019. The construction of Murra Warra Stage 1 will create around 150 jobs as well as significant opportunities for businesses in the local area.
Stage 2 of the project will comprise an additional 55 turbines. When fully constructed, the Murra Warra Wind Farm will be one of the highest performing wind farms in the southern hemisphere. Including the first stage of the Murra Warra wind farm, Senvion now has over 900 megawatts of wind capacity installed or under construction across 14 wind farms in Australia.
Source: IWR Online, Apr 04 2018