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Transformation of The Energy System: EM-Power Europe Trade Fair Focusses on The Provision of Flexibility

Munich, Pforzheim / Germany - The transformation of the energy system as part of the energy transition is giving rise to new requirements in the area of power supply.

A key aspect of this is that, compared to today, a significantly higher degree of flexibility is required in order to keep the supply of electricity and consumption in balance. Flexible consumers can and must make a significant contribution to this.

Michael Villa, Managing Director of the European industry association Smart EN, refers to EU calculations according to which the need for flexibility will increase by 133 per cent between now and 2030. By 2050, an increase in flexibility of 25 per cent will be required.

In a recent study, Agora Energiewende came to the conclusion with regard to flexibility that around ten per cent of the annual electricity demand required in Germany in 2035 could be shifted in time with electric cars, heat pumps and home storage systems. That would be around 100 terawatt hours. According to Agora, this flexibility on the consumer side will save the economy around 4.8 billion euros.

An initial consumer contribution to flexibilisation has been state of the art for years. Prosumers with their own photovoltaic system connect it to a stationary battery storage system, their own heat pump and charge their electric car with the electricity they generate. In this way, they not only minimise their own electricity consumption from the grid, but also reduce the load on the respective distribution grid by maximising their own consumption.

Suppliers will also contribute to flexibility to a greater extent in future. If the capacity of the grid threatens to become scarce, they can significantly reduce their customers' electricity consumption, which is already being practised today when suppliers temporarily switch off heat pumps without further disadvantages for the customer in the event of a looming bottleneck.

How flexibility can be provided will also be an important topic at EM-Power Europe, the international trade fair for energy management and networked energy solutions. Under the motto "Empowering Grids and Prosumers", the trade fair will bring together stakeholders for the renewable energy system and focus on current trends and developments. EM-Power Europe and the parallel events Intersolar Europe, EES Europe and Power2Drive Europe will take place at Messe München from 19 to 21 June 2024 as part of The smarter E Europe, Europe's largest trade fair alliance for the energy industry.

Source: IWR Online, May 05 2024