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PNE 2024 Operationally on Track: PNE Sells Wind And Solar Projects With a Capacity of 750 MW in 2024 - Own Portfolio Grows to More Than 400 MW

Cuxhaven, Germany - PNE AG looks back on a successful operating year 2024. In total, the renewable project developer sold six wind energy and photovoltaic (PV) projects with a total output of 751.3 MW/MWp in 2024, both nationally and internationally.

In the first half of 2024, PNE sold its largest projects in Canada with the Buffalo Gap wind farm project with a capacity of 210 MW and the Coronach Muskwa Northwest PV project with 100 MWp as well as in South Africa with the Khauta PV project with 240 MWp.

This was followed in the second half of the year by the Sallachy wind farm (43 MW) in Scotland, the Papenrode (59.4 MW) and Nordleda (10.4 MW) wind energy repowering projects in Germany and the Lütau wind farm (28.5 MW) in Schleswig-Holstein. In addition, there is the large-scale solar project Bonsmara in South Africa (60 MWp).

PNE 2024 was also able to further expand its own-operation portfolio. With the commissioning of the Heitzelberg (5.5 MW), Schenklengsfeld (19.8 MW) and Heidmoor (36.0 MW) wind farms, the capacity of the wind farms in own operation has grown to 412.0 MW. A further 13 wind farms with an output of 288.6 MW are under construction in Germany and France. According to PNE, which of the projects under construction will be transferred to own operation will be decided on a project-by-project basis.

In the Services segment, the number of wind turbines in the area of technical inspections increased to 1,000.

"We are very satisfied with the sales results for 2024. We were able to sustainably demonstrate our professionalism in our core business, the development of wind energy and PV projects. The various stages of the projects we are selling emphasise our flexibility. We are also very optimistic for 2025,” comments Roland Stanze, Chief Operating Officer (COO) of PNE AG.

PNE AG will publish its financial figures for 2024 on March 27, 2025.

Source: IWR Online, Jan 01 2025