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Change in The Nordex Management Team: Chief Sales Officer Patxi Landa Takes on New Role as Head of Nordex Capital

Hamburg, Germany - The former Chief Sales Officer (CSO) of Nordex Patxi Landa is moving to the new role of Head of Nordex Capital at the wind turbine manufacturer. In this position, Landa will focus on supporting selected customers in project development in Nordex's key markets.

The aim is to generate additional sales opportunities for wind turbines. Chief Executive Officer (CEO) José Luis Blanco will assume the responsibilities of the Chief Sales Officer.

“This strategic move reflects the company’s desire to foster ever closer relationships with its customers while also supporting revenue growth within its core business,” said Blanco of the newly created role, which will report to him.

Landa joined Nordex with the merger with Acciona Windpower in 2016 and has been responsible for sales since April 1, 2016. During his tenure, he successfully supported the company's growth strategy and global transformation from EUR 2.5 billion in sales in 2018 to over EUR 7 billion in 2024.

“Patxi has been a great colleague and support over the last eight years in ensuring growth of the Nordex Group and improving its market share. We are confident that he will do well in his new role, which is critical to achieving our strategic goals,” Blanco continued. “On behalf of the supervisory board and the management board, we would like to thank him for his excellent work as CSO and wish him very well and much success for his new role,” adds Nordex Chairman of the Supervisory Board Dr. Wolfgang Ziebart.

In future, the Nordex Management Board will consist of two members, with José Luis Blanco as CEO and Dr. Ilya Hartmann as Chief Financial Officer (CFO), who will have overall responsibility for the management of the Nordex Group.

The Nordex share is up this morning. The share price is currently up 1.7 percent at EUR 11.65 (10:45 a.m., 28.01.2025, Stuttgart Stock Exchange).

Source: IWR Online, Jan 01 2025