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Italy Wind News

News from Italy

Focus on The Italian Market: Wpd Concludes Long-Term PPA With Lyondell Basell For Wind Farm Project in Italy

Jan 31, 2025 08:40 | Bremen, Germany - In addition to solar energy, the wind energy sector in Italy is also set to expand significantly by 20230. The German project developer Wpd is also involved in this. Wpd has now concluded a long-term power purchase agreement for the Licata onshore wind farm. The project marks the start of a huge development pipeline for Wpd in Italy. read more...

Vestas Receives Major Conditional Order For Mega Offshore Wind Farm in Scotland - Further Orders Secured in Spain, Japan, Costa Rica And Italy

Oct 02, 2024 09:40 | Aarhus, Denmark - Wind turbine manufacturer Vestas announces a conditional order for the huge Inch Cape offshore wind farm in Scotland at the end of the third quarter, in addition to various orders for wind energy projects in different regions around the world. The share cannot benefit. read more...

Milestone Almost Reached: VSB's 60 MW Solar Park in Sicily is Almost Ready For Construction

Jun 19, 2024 17:34 | Potenza, Italy / Dresden - The VSB Group from Dresden is represented in various European countries. In addition to construction projects in Germany, Poland, France and Finland, a project in Sicily, Italy, is currently on the home straight. read more...

Operational Success - PNE Sells Photovoltaic Projects in Romania And Italy

Dec 28, 2023 16:31 | Cuxhaven, Germany - PNE AG has successfully sold projects in Romania and Italy at the end of 2023. In Romania, PNE sold a project with a capacity of 61.5 MW. It is located in southern Romania in an area that is one of the most productive in the country, PNE announced. The buyer is a local company. The project has reached construction maturity. read more...

Nordex Group Receives Two Orders for 135 MW in Italy

Sep 28, 2023 19:39 | Hamburg, Germany - The Nordex Group has been awarded two contracts to supply and install in total 20 turbines from the Delta4000 series for two projects in Italy. read more...

Experienced Banker: Francesca Nuccioni Strengthens Capcora in The Energy & Infrastructure Sector

Sep 13, 2023 12:31 | Frankfurt am Main, Germany - The consulting firm Capcora is strengthening its position in the energy and infrastructure sector. Francesca Nuccioni will be appointed Director Energy & Infrastructure as of September 2023. She brings more than 20 years of valuable experience from the banking sector to the company. read more...

Market Entry Italy: UKA Group Expands International Presence

Mar 30, 2023 09:56 | Meissen, Germany - The UKA Group continues its expansion course with a market entry in Italy. Three solar projects in southern Italy with a capacity of 120 MW are already being developed under the management of Álvaro Sierra Torrón, Managing Director of the new UKA Italia Srl as well as UKA-Iberia S.L.U.. read more...

New Regional Offices: VSB Group Pushes Wind And Solar Expansion In Italy

Oct 25, 2022 10:53 | Dresden, Germany - Project developer and operator VSB continues to expand its presence on the Italian market. To this end, two new VSB locations have already been opened this year to complement the existing offices. read more...

Wind Energy: Wpd With Successful Environmental Assessment For 120 MW Wind Farm In Italy

Sep 30, 2022 15:18 | Bremen, Germany - The project developer Wpd Italia is taking a step forward in the implementation of the Borgo Mezzanone wind project in Apulia. Wpd Italia has now received the decision of the Italian Council of Ministers on the successful environmental impact assessment (EIA). read more...

Italy produces first offshore wind power

Jun 15, 2022 20:32 | Rome, Italy - After the expansion of offshore wind energy in the North and Baltic Seas, the Mediterranean is increasingly becoming the focus of offshore wind energy use in southern Europe. Now, the first offshore wind power has been fed into the electricity grid in Italy. read more...